absorb Powder for the rapid and hygienic absorption of bodily fluids such as vomit, blood, urine, etc. Binds all unpleasant odours and fluids in seconds.... Quick view
acifoam Acidic foam cleaner for sanitary areas and the food industry. Self-acting. Lather up a foam, let it soak in and rinse it out. Gloss without... Quick view
acifoam forte Acidic swimming pool and foam cleaner. Powerful acidic foam cleaner for sanitary areas and the food industry. Quick view
airodor Air freshener. Fresh, long-lasting, deodorising, high yield. Specific scents help you create the home of your dreams. Available in various scents. Quick view
alco-top Modern alcohol cleaners with pleasant long-lasting fragrances that dry without streaking. Wetting well. Multi-purpose. Particularly suitable for... Quick view
ALCODOR Concentrated alcohol cleaner for routine cleaning. With pleasant fragrances. Dries without streaking. Multi-purpose. Particularly suitable for... Quick view
ALCOPOL ORANGE Alcohol-based cleaner with a pleasant scent. Dries streak-free. Multi-purpose. Quick view
alinet Alkaline cleaner for kitchens, food service, butchers and the food industry. Removes animal and vegetable fats as well as protein. Odour-free. Quick view
alkafoam Alkaline foam cleaner for the food industry. Intensive grease and protein cutting power. Lather up a foam, let it soak in and rinse it out. With... Quick view
alkafoam forte Alkaline foam cleaner for the food industry. Intensive grease and Protein cutting power. Lather up a foam, allow to soak in and rinse out. Also for... Quick view